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Friday, March 28, 2008

I know you're thinking what the hell is the deal with the frog. Well it's something funny and random I found, it made me laugh and somewhere inside my inner child was touched. So I've been dealing with some bad anxiety today, really bad. Actually have been for the two weeks, I just never tell anyone. Some of you may know or not know that I deal with anxiety disorder. It's a lovely emotional disorder which at times involves minor agoraphobia at least for me, and panic attacks. Panic attacks are basically a giant bully in your own head which constantly pounds the ever loving shit out of you with fear.

I like to call it my own personal pain in the ass in life. I've been dealing with devil on my shoulder for a little over 2 years, which I thought by now would have flown away and bugged someone else. Alas, the little bastard tends to have a love affair with me. It's a process that at days just wears me out, and others is bearable. Then there are the good days, the one where I kicks it's ass and make it cry mommy -- as it loves so much to do to me. Like a roller coaster there are my highs and lows, thankfully I have some friends who know the pain that I go through.

I guess what helps is that I've always been a very social person, hell I love to be around people. I will also talk to anyone, literally -- I'm not picky; I'll talk to a damn tree if it's the only thing around. Some people aren't so lucky and have social anxiety which at times I think would actually be worse.


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